Despite its legnth, Dark of the Moon is a unique Transformers experience that allows you to transform into 3 modes.

User Rating: 8 | Transformers: Dark of the Moon X360
Transformers: Dark of the Moon has stepped up from the previous Transformers games. The fact that you can Transform into three different forms adds a whole new experience to the game itself. Driving can be a bit awkward with the controls but still doesn't affect anything. Stealth mode is a fantastic way of fighting whilst moving and dodging. One of the only downsides of Dark of the Moon is the fact that the Campaign is short. Its a prequel mission about the realse of Shockwave (A decepticon assassin). There are seven chapters each wth different legnths. The multiplayer mode is a great thing about Dark of the Moon. Its the same format as War for Cybertron. You level up in for different classes: Scout, Hunter, Commander and Warrior. You customize your own Characters, abilities and weapons. Transformers: Dark of the Moon is a definite recommend.