Not too bad but the game play can be improved and mutiplayer can be improved as well.
Campaign gaming can be introduced with aubots fighting together with the main autobots.Something like first-person shooting game. fighting with you and having ai aubots fighting with you. More interesting and exciting. Like the Hawz airplane game. Stand alone game can also having several players coming together to fight as a team to complete a campain either alone with Ai autobots or with online players.
Multiplayers can also improved to let others see what groups or teams are currently online and the time the session ends so other players will create new game or wait for more players to fight together in teams.
The 4 aubots or decepticons per side can be made better like world at war personal shooting with 16 transformers in a side and it will be crazy. the aubots transform and fighting supporitng to earn points will be great. online level upgrade of weapons can be purchase using energons will be great too for future autobots games to come. Hopefully the next one can be much better. level up through 20 to 30 level of your transformers will be exciting . Earning energons will be simlar to earning experinces.
lets hope for a greater game to come with the trasformers 3.