there is definately more than meets the eye to this game
The game is on several different systems but by far the best one is the 360 version. There are two campaigns autobots and decepticons. I preffered decepticons but thats just me.
The graphics are what you'd expect from a next -gen syestem. Having two campaigns does make the game signifficantly longer and I finished it in about 20 hours without collecting anything. Some advice collect stuff it will make the game easier with weapon upgrades
I found the controls a little confusing but after you get used to it you can got back to owning wierd lookin robots.The voice could've been better but still which would you rather have great voice acting and a bad game or a great game with mediocre voice acting!
To top it off the game has a mediocre multiplayer component consisting of your standard modes deathmatch,team deathmatch,etc.Its not the highlight of the game but its a nice add on that adds even more replay value ,which this game has a ton of!
So get yourself a copy of this fantastic more than meets the eye game!