Good Graphics, Cool audio, but overall a very substanceless experience. Feels-like a multi-platform title.
First, let's start with the good. The graphics are very good, but one nearly expects that on most big-name 360 titles anyway, so that''s of limited merit. The transform animations are very cool, and the weapons seem useful and reasonably varied. The audio is somewhat cool in that the sound effects seem crisp and satisfying, and the music is alright as well.
Now, the bad. This section will be much longer. I'll start with the bad side of the audio. The audio is VERY repetitive. I know, I know, it's cool to listen to Optimus Prime say "Autobots, transform and roll out!", but do we need to hear him say it five times a minute? It's extraordinarily overused in the game.
Next, the game seems chopped up, with missions right after another that don't really flow all that well. The cutscenes don't really serve to bring any continuity, either. It often felt as if I were simply running from one random, unrelated mission to another. The missions don't seem to have had much thought put into them, either. It felt, especially in the first chapter, that I was doing nothing but running around in circles in every mission, as the mission area (starting town) was so small, it only took 15-20 seconds to cross the entirety of the map.
I also didn't find the missiosn to be all that challenging. The Decepticon drones were ridiculously easy to defeat, and even the named Decpticons weren't all that hard, either.
Another aspect I had a serious problem with the is destruction of the surrounding areas. The destructible environnments are very well done...but Autobots aren't supposed to be running around and destroying the environment indiscriminately. In fact, even as an Autobot, you can pick up a city bus, presumably full of people as it is moving, and throw it, destroy it, etc, also presumably killing all the occupants. This random destruction and disregard for human life is the very antithesis of the Autobots, and much more care should have been taken to make the game work without having to kill people as Autobots. Decepticons, different story, of course, bu the game seems to be constructed such that is it nearly impossible to avoide killing people, though the violent deaths aren't really portrayed and are mostly notional.
All in all, this game feels just like a multi-platform title. It seems that very little effort was spent to make the game deep or unique, and really comes off as an attempt to do nothing more than cash in on a big summer movie. If you MUST play this game, rent it or borrow it from a friend, but whatever you do, don't buy it.