the worst game ever in history of gaming.If you want to play it then rent it first and then ask for a refund :):):):):)
User Rating: 3.1 | Transformers: The Game PS3
Maybthe worst game ive ever played on pc or any other platform.The worst graphics the worst gameplay the worst scenario and the worst control setup.Dont buy it and dont even rent it,believe me.this is only a game for 10-13 years old.for older guys with next generation graphics pcs its just **** for the PS3 users but i write that here cause i cant review on the pc section.Also i have a PS3 platform and the game is bad there too.Not so bad like the pc version but i give the game 3/10 on both platforms.If you want to play the game then rent it first and then ask for a refund cause thats the truth ,you will not like the game at all.