The Only Good Thing About This Game is That I Can Play As Optimus Prime

User Rating: 2 | Transformers: The Game PS3
We all know that games based on their movie tie ins usually are very bad. But this game makes those games look bad

Presentation: 4.5/10: The menus look awful and the box art is terrible but I did like the transformers theme within the game.

Graphics: 5.0/10: The graphics are okay. I liked the terrain deformation engine but even that failed miserably.

Sound: 7.5/10: I'm glad that they got Peter Cullen to do the voice of Optimus Prime but even happier that they got Frank Welker(the original Megatron) to voice Megatron so the voice acting was pretty solid

Gameplay: 1.5/10: Now this is where I draw the line. The gameplay was so repetitive, it nearly made me vomit. It's disgusting. Basically there where only 5 classes of enemies in the entire game. I hate that!

Lasting Appeal: 2.0/10: Basicly after 2 days, I never played this game again and I never will. Period.

Transformers The Game turned my stomach with it's lousy gameplay and repetitive enemies. I liked the second game a million times better than this one. Transformers: The Game gets a very deserving 2.0/10