The camera is horrible, the missions repetitive and the game is really small. So, why did I love it so much?
-Optimus Prime
- Bumblebee
- Ironhide
- Jazz
- Barricade
The game does not follow the exact same story from the movie, so don't be surprised if you watch the game, and then see the movie.
The graphics are absolutely stunning, every robot is really well detailed, and it is incredible watching them turning into cars, the environment is fully destructible, and everything can be used as weapons in the game. The voice acting is pretty amazing, too. The controls are good and uncomplicated. You can perform melee attacks by shaking the wii-mote or the nunchuk, and, yes, you have giant nuclear blasters, but they are not really useful, because most of the enemies just go and block them.
Ironically, the greatest enemy in the game are not the other robots, it is the camera. The camera is in charge of the wii-mote, if you point to one edge of the screen, the camera will go to that direction, and someone had the stupid idea of putting your melee attacks in charge of the wii-mote, too, so ween you shake the controller from side to side to attack your enemies, the camera shakes too!! But there is one solution, the melee attacks can be performed by shaking to nunchuk, so the does not go crazy, but even doing this, it is hard to manage the camera.
In the end Transformers is a good game, it really is repetitive and small, it does not has good extras, but it has great graphics, a solid voice-acting, and it is a great deal of fun. If I were you I would rent it in a weekend, finish the game, unlock all the extras and have fun with it, and then, send it back to Cybertron.
Graphics...................................................... 8,0
Gameplay................................................... 6,0
Replay Value............................................. 7,5
Overall......................................................... 7,5