Good looking,fun playing...but only for a short time...

User Rating: 7.2 | Transformers: The Game PS2
The Good:
+Good Graphics
+Good (even if a bit unbalanced) Sound
+Much to destroy
+Pics up many small Details from the Movie
+Non-Stop Action

The Bad:
-Damn Short
-you do the same thing the WHOLE game
-Not much really intersting to unlock

Fist off,I´m a somehow since childhood fan of Transformers.I have never belived that this comes to a big screen so I was really excited about the Movie and this Game and hoped it whould be even better then the last (really great) Transformers game.Since it is based on the Movie it wasn´t really possible,but a fan can his wishes,don´t you think?

The Graphics:
This was the most impressing point.The Graphics look really detailed,you can destroy and throw almost everything.The Levels look much like the places you see in the Movie,and the Transformers look great,too.It also runs really smooth for a game you can see really far.

The Sound:
The Soudeffects are the usual stuff,but the Music is really nice.The only negative thing is the huge difference between cuscenes and the actual game which is much louder.Sourround is supported.

The Gameplay:
Welcome to the most important point.And the biggest problem.While it´s really fun to knock out some enemys and destroy all kinds of enviroment or climbing them like King Kong it gets old after a few hours.You have around 4 different strategies to beat up the enemys...thats it.Around 5 including the Bosses (which can be really hard).The bit of driving doesn´t do much to make it better.
The Game is also finished under 8h.The Unlockaples (almost only Pictures) and sub-missions push it to a 10-12h if you got really unlucky and overseen a collectable.

Even if the Game has many negative points,it´s not like it´s no fun.I really liked it as long as it lasted...If you watched the Movie you should definetly take a look or at least rent it for a Weekend.
If you´re just looking for a good Transformers-Game try to get the last game.