This game is really good... I like it,but...
Story Mode 9/10
The story mode is cool and long but it isn't the perfect one. I mean that I like it but it can be better.
Vehicles 8/10
The vehicles in the game are also cool but some are unlocked hard by Wi-Fi points. Also my cars sometimes go white and I don't like that bug.
Multiplayer 6/10
Multiplayer...What a letdown! Sometimes it doesn't let me connect to the Wi-Fi network!!!
Graphics are ways too good for a DS. Cars and helicopters
are very realistic so you can feel like you are in the transformers world!
First:Tranformers:Autobots is much better than this game. Graphics,weapons,missions... Everything! Even the players unlocked after completing are better! But this game is still cool and I was such a transformer freak...I WAS! Now I prefer more NOT CHILD games.
Well that was my review,hope you like it! See ya :)