A Good Game Ruined by Repetative Game Play

User Rating: 7 | Transformers: The Game X360
Ah Transformers, who out there hasn't heard of these fantastic toys, movies, and TV Shows? To this day Transformers remains one of the most recognizable franchises of all time, and when the annoucement of a live action Transformers movie broke, reaction varied between out right hatred to cries of joy.

The movie of course was a runaway hit, and like every hit movie these days, a video game based on the movie was inevitable, the result is one of the better adapations in terms of graphics, controls, and character. The game follows the movie fairly good, with the single player campaign split into the cannon Autobot Campaign and an alternate Decepticon campaign. The game's best feature is of course the incluison of many of the main characters of the movie, including such fan favorite characters as Optimus Prime, Megatron, Blackout, and Bumblebee. Another of the game's strong points is it's controls, which are fairly easy to master, and it's graphics which are fairly realistic, especally on the Transformers themselves.

However the game's major draw back is it's gameplay. The game play is a huge rip off of Grand Theft Auto, complete with an alert system, however the one redeeming quality is that you are able to destroy nearly every thing in sight. The enemies you fight, in addition to characters from the movie, are generic at best, and ammount to nothing more then Drones, that are identical to each other, this alone contirbutes to the game quickly becoming a bore.

Over all this is the best Transformers game out there, yet it's dull gameplay may in the end alienate many players. However, it will still appeal to die hard Transformers fans.