I even feel bad for the guy who just bought this game from me on eBay. Everything about this game feels like it was rush
- Terrible gameplay, repetitve combat but story is great because its the same one from the movie which was also great but this also makes the game not have any originality.
Atmosphere & Immersion: 7.5/10
- Fully destructable buildings and most of the environment is too. Good luck actually ever getting in the zone with this game, I know of one person who did and he was drunk all 3 times, go figure. Still good enviornment.
Graphics/Physics: 6.5/10
- Other than the transformers being very detailed, the graphics were ehh... a bit above mediocre at best. Not much to say.
Sound: 8.5/10
- Sound was very good voice-wise and just action-wise, but certainly could have had better music in some parts of the game.
Bugs, Stability & Performance: 9/10
- Truely no problems I could find here.
Replay value: 3/10
- This game was difficult to play for even an hour, just simply felt like a total waste of time.
Value for money: 4/10
- Not even close to being worth the original $30-$40 I paid. Can't say it money Ill never get back because I just sold it for $23 on ebay.......if they could have only read my review first...but that would have made me less money, oh well.
Will this game be remembered by old school gamers as a classic after 10 years?:
- Heck no, and if any of my close-diehard-oldschool-friends do mention this as a classic, I may just slap them.
Who would I recommend to buy the game?:
- Extreme diehard Transformers fans would be seriously disappointed so....people with the bad taste emblem might just like this or possibly children.
Overall: 3.5 - I even feel bad for the guy who just bought this game from me on eBay. Everything about this game feels like it was rushed into development. I feel like I just gave this game an academy award for the rating I gave it. Seriously just don't waste your time buying this unless you have a kid and their begging you for it.