This game is a very well made 3rd-person shooter with the Transformers name plastered over top of it. Fans will rejoice.

User Rating: 9 | Transformers: War for Cybertron PS3
The game is surprisingly fun, especially after considering the horror of the games based on the movies. It takes place at a time before the Transformers came to Earth. That being the case, the characters have been redesigned with a focus on Cybertonian vehicles. Optimus is no longer a diesel rig, but he is now a Cybertonian truck with a more sleek appearance. This game has more than beautiful appearances however. It is a well designed 3rd-person shooter with many familiar features. It does lack a typical cover system that most of today's 3rd-person shooters love to include, but the ability to transform at anytime eliminates the need to take cover. You just bail to find health before you're gunned down. The transforming is no gimmick either. It's fun, quick, and always a viable strategic option when you need a boost in speed. Other than levels where flight is required, you are free to stay in bot form the entire time. The only problem with this game is that the campaign is short, at about four hours per faction. It is still fun, even if it is short. The multiplayer is where you will spend most of your time. The class based fighting resembles Battlefield, and you can customize your loadout and appearance. The only downside is the the chassis options are limited, many with only one per class for a specific faction. However, your bots/vehicles appearance does not matter win you feel the thrill of driving off a ramp, transforming, and raining down bullets on your opponents. Overall, it is a very well made 3rd-person shooter that anyone would enjoy, especially if they are a hardcore Transformers fan. If you're not a Transformer fan, then you might want to skip the campaign (since the story one of the interesting parts of the experience) and go straight to the multiplayer. It won't replace Gears or Uncharted (depending on your system) as the greatest 3rd-person shooter you've ever played, but it will definitely be a fun new experience for you.