fan boys go yea, i say nay... until i played multiplayer...

User Rating: 7.5 | Transformers: War for Cybertron PS3
look.. for all its hype.. its grand.. just not grand enuf
whats up with 3 player co-op? the magic number is 4 o.o'
why do you even bother to have 4 classes if you can only use 3 of them at a certain given point of time?

anyways.. the graphics are great..
levels look good..
difficulty is like a broken pendulum..
cant seem to find people to play multiplayer with..
loved shockwave and optimus..
loved the way the story was told..

fan boys would love this..
and personally, i love transformers..
but in all honesty.. and all bias-ness aside..

its not a GREAT game.. its just a GOOD game..
some people might like it, some people wouldnt..

personally i found it enjoying..
and while writing this, i took a step back and looked at it from a
POV of a non transformers fan..

no doubt, the voice overs were great.. but i find the gameplay difficulty to be abit off.. as in sometimes it would be so easy to rip an enemy to metal scraps, while others... lets just say your robot ass got schooled.. bad...

multiplayer was fun.. but what isnt fun with the friend factor?

so at the end of the day, i traded it back in..

i dont see myself grinding and working towards 100% completion for this..

no doubt it is the BEST transformers game by far, but that doesnt mean its the BEST game out there..

so yea.. 7 is good..
black ops is better..
katamari forever is the best..

pros: its god damned fun to shoot robots
multiplayer is awesome.. with only 1600 players online o_O;
controls are sweet and the characters are relatively balanced

cons: VERY VERY BUGGY - there was a part where my ps3 crashed and another part where the audio got muted -_-;

and for my final score.. 7.5
cuz soundwave rocks.