I really don't understand how Gamespot gave this a 6.5. First off, this game has tons of content. From escalation, to three player campaign co op, to multiplayer, it'll take you a while to get bored. I have no idea what this business about transforming feeling tacked on is about. Only in this game can you transform into a car, boost over a hill, transform in midair, shotgun someone in the face and roll away again in car form. Moments like this are epic and the combat in this game is exceptional. I never had a problem finding ammo. The campaigns are a little on the short side but varied enough not to notice. As a transformers fan, the voice acting will sell it for you. Nothing is quite as awesome as hearing Optimus say"Autobots, roll out!" And multiplayer is simply amazing. You really have no excuse not to play this game.
Other Helpful Reviews for Transformers: War for Cybertron
I am so glad I picked this game up before I read the GameSpot review. If I knew that GameSpot only gave this game a 6.5, I may have made the mistake of passed it up; however, I am so glad I bought this game. I didn't ex... Read Full Review
This is another title where we the buyers need to take the reviewers opinions as exactly that, opinion. Personally I think this is a great game for both the single player campaign that you can play co-op (yea!) and the o... Read Full Review