Who ever rated this game under 8 should be k.o.s.
The campaign last about 10 hours. While not very depth into characters' background, it tells about the beginning of the rivalry between the 2 mains characters of the story Megatron (evil protagonist) and Optimus (the good guy's leader). We could have thought that the game's 2 campaigns (evil and good) would look very similar to each other, but not at all. While the first one (decepticon's) introduce you very well to gameplay and control (and trust me, piloting any vehicles takes time to achieve, but it is very, very, very satisfying), the second part of the campaign offers some challenging mission.
Even thought it doesn't offer the greatest cinematics (they are even "normal"), the environment is great. In the past, we can understand it would have been difficult to create en entire "cybernetic" world, but with War for Cybertron, we can see that the technology of today is at the point of delivering it. Robot's animation are also great; running on a bridge and jumping out to dodge incoming missiles, and transform into a super jet and get revenge reveal to look EPIC.
Meanwhile, you've got to know 2 things about the game's multiplayer. First of all, there's no way to communicate with other players (no normal chat or voice chat). This can be sad, since this kind of game rely on a good community, but while missing this element, this can hurt the game's longevity. We can hope this will be corrected with a patch of the producers or Steam.
The second thing about the multiplayer is about the many modes they offer. Like other critics said, they are many mode, but only 2 "classics" are played: team death match and conquest (capture and hold). Since the community isn't that large at the moment, it can be hard to try other mode that would likely be played by 3 or 4 players.
That said, the multiplayer's team death match and conquest makes me remind of the good time I had in Halo 2. Action is fast enough to always keep you suck into action. Hardcore FPS will need an adaption time with this futurist game, but will sure adore it. Friendly player will also be sure to find their fun with the new Transformer.
Like many FPS or these days, the game offer his stacks of achievements and leveling system with unlockable weapons, abilities, etc. The 4 classes are also well balanced even though not very different from the Battlefield's classes.
Escalation mode's a most for any fan of the Zombie mode of Call of Duty WAW. This mode is simply awesome. With 3 friends, fights against multiple wave of enemy robots who keeps going.
In the end, this game is a most for any gamer who are seeking something new to play for this summer. This game is a coup de coeur since his release for many people, and gaming reviewers can't consider giving it less than 8 out of ten. Being a fan of Transformers in my childhood, I can't give something less than a 9/10, since it's the first game who perfectly gave you the sensation of being a real Transformer who can transform at will.
Have fun!