Worth the money, especially if you are a Transformers fan. If not a fan, it's still got all the things you'd enjoy!

User Rating: 9 | Transformers: War for Cybertron X360
I have to agree with several people that have typed up a review for 'Transformers: War for Cybertron'. I think Gamespot didn't get paid enough by High Moon Studios or Activision to fully back 'War for Cybertron'.
Also, the guy on Gamespot who reviewed this clearly doesn't know that Cybertron is a mostly all metal transformable planet. Thus the reason for it being all metal looking and as how he put it, drab or repetitive.

High Moon Studios did an excellent job of capturing the heart and soul of Transformers. This is by far the greatest Transformers game I've ever played and probably ever will play.

Starting with the Campaign, both Decepticon and Autobot campaigns are filled with story from the Transformer's universe. It's great that Hasbro has declared this as canon to the world of Transformers and the game really nails all the characters personalities down. Playing the campaigns on Hard difficulty is extremely daunting and will take some time to complete with the AI, whom sometimes isn't all that helpful. I'd recommend playing "Hard" with friends, in which you can have 2 other friends join you on your campaign adventures. 3 player co-op at it's finest!

Multiplayer is amazing. You've got all the modes you're use to, from Deathmatch to Capture the Flag to Conquest. You get to rank up just like in the MW2 and Battlefield Bad Company 2 which makes for very interesting battles. Along with being able to transform on the fly, I believe the multiplayer is the most interesting of all.

Escalation Mode is just like Horde mode in GoW2, but again, you're able to transform on the fly and utilize your Transformer's abilities to get through the levels. At higher levels you'll have to work together as a team in hopes of getting ahead. This mode is very addicting and you'll probably find yourself wanting to play for hours on end.

All in all, don't listen to the GameSpot Review.
The guy who reviewed it obviously isn't bright at all or was just upset on the day he reviewed this and the rating for the game suffered. Plus it took them several days to come up with a review after the release. IGN had a review up the day of and gave it a great score. Take it from all of us who are giving the game a 9.0, it truly is a game to own.
"Till all are one!"