This is by far the greatest Transformers game yet and a very great game overall !!! The combat is awesome and very fast

User Rating: 8.5 | Transformers: War for Cybertron PS3
Transformers War for Cybertron is by far the best Transformers game yet! The first two Transformers movie games were decent, but that's all. However this game is a very great game and is a very fun game to play.

The game play may be some what repetitive, but so are many other great games. The game play over all is great, fast paced, and is a blast. Transforming into your vehicle form looks cool and flying and driving around as the different Autobots and decipticons is a lot of fun. Bumblebee is fast and great to controll while in vehicle form. The difficulty is just right. The levels can be very challenging, but never too frustrating. The regular enemies are repetitive, but very good and are fun to gun down.

The Graphics are great and Cybertron is highly detailed. The transformers look superb and so does the environments.

The combat is awesome and explosive. I love the weapons combat in this great game and the meelee attacks are great too. Bumblebee is my favourite character to controll. There are a good variety of weapons and also different kinds of grenades and explosives to use on your enemies. The turrets are fun to use on your enemies and there are different kinds throughout the levels.

The sound design is very great overall. The music suits an action packed Transformers game, the voice acting is superb, and the sound effects are great.

The replay value is very good, as it is fun to replay through the Decipticon and Autobot story campaigne's multiple times. Also its fun to replay your favourite levels. Playing through the levels as different Transformers adds variety to the game play.

The controlls are great and very sharp. Its easy to controll the many transformers. The only problem I had with this game is pressing L3 to transform into your vehicle form, as sometimes I would press it by mistake and it put me at risk of being gunned down by your enemies. Besides this the controlls were just fine!

The boss fights are very great and are some of the best boss fights ever in my oppinion. There are lots of cool boss fights and they are challenging, but not frustrating. I love the boss fights! The final boss fight in each campaigne is amazing.

The missions are great and varied enough to keep things from getting too repetitive. There are enough mission types to keep things fresh. The Autobot campaigne has more mission types than the Decipticon campaigne. So I enjoyed the Autobot campaigne a lot better. The objectives in the missions are varied and there are lots of them to keep things interesting.

Key thing to Transfomers War for Cybertron is that you truly feel like a powerful Transformer. I can't wait for the next Transformers game from High Moon Studios and I hope its even better than this great game.

The story is a great one and it is a very character driven story. It keeps you interested right to the end of the game. The dialogue is good and certainly helps with the over all story.

The presentation is simply great and the cut scenes are portrayed perfectly. The graphics in the cut scenes are superb and the Transformers and Cybertron look awesome in them.

Game Play: 8 out of 10
Graphics: 8.5 out of 10
Combat: 9 out of 10
Sound Design: 8.5 out of 10
Replay Value: 7.5 out of 10
Controlls: 8.5 out of 10
Boss Fights: 9 out of 10
Missions: 8 out of 10
Objectives: 7.5 out of 10
Story: 8 out of 10
Presentation: 9 out of 10
Fun Factor: 8 out of 10
Feeling of being a Transformer: 9.5 out of 10

So over all I rate this very great and fun game 8.5 out of 10!