Transport Tycoon Deluxe is one of the best games I played on computer in my life..

User Rating: 10 | Transport Tycoon Deluxe PC
Transport Tycoon Deluxe, as I think, deserves an honorable place in "Hall of Fame" of computer games.
It has nearly limitless ability to be played over and over again. The gameplay may look hard at first times. Going deeper in game make you understand what it is complex, but easy to learn. Time spent in learning is mostly time of researching types of industries, goods and transport systems allowing connecting them into "map" infrastructure. With this game player can learn basics of economy and also satisfy other interests in building new railways, roads, docks, airports... You must not forget about opponents too. Eh, there is too much to say… Shortly: U got to check this out!
Graphics: yes, now game doesn't look very good... But for 1995 it was great, I think. And this absolutely has no matter. It will just be no time for seeking pixels on the screen. Sprites of every object don't look ugly, they are nice. Artists did their job well, I think.
Sound: DOS midi music. But I say: I like it very much. I prefer "Old style" and my favorite... hmmm… "track"... is "Little red Diesel". SFX are of the same quality level, but don't sound terrible.
This game is like favorite toy. Excuse me, but I really can't say anything bad about TTD. I played it from my first 486 PC to nowadays. If there is nothing to do I can play it again and again. I can create another scenario or play the same, but line can't be the same! I think, this is game with most nonlinear gameplay ever.
And little about why TTD is still actual:
2 years ago I discovered "TTD Patch". Teams and single fans STILL keep creating new graphics, abilities and other improvements. Some of them are being included in new versions of TTD Patch; there are special programs for keeping game up to date, modifying resources, etc. I don't remember the name, but there's also another huge "living" modification like TTD Patch. But they are mostly identical because have the same improvements of world TTD modders. TTD Patch also allows playing in latest Windows versions.
Maybe starting playing this game now will not make you love it like I do... I passed the long way from original to current fresh modifications. New players will not be able to do it again... for many-many hours of playing. But take it as it is: This is the best game in genre for more than 10 years! Thanks to Chris Sawyer for it. I hoped "Locomotion" to be great sequel, but it failed, I think... "Charm" of TTD is unique, maybe that's the better: even author was unable to create another Masterpiece able to beat Transport Tycoon Deluxe...