Cool game but too frustratingly hard, but it was only $5

User Rating: 6.5 | Trash Panic PS3
the game is fun till you get to the last stage and you spend hours trying to beat it and countless continues and you can't, not even on easy. It makes me want to break my controller in half, the way you cannot make any mistakes really, there really is no margin for error, and in a puzzle game like this you would think you should be able to maybe still get by but you can't. The game is pretty good and a nice distraction from COD but, I can't ever see myself beating this thing on one of the higher difficulty levels. I hope to eventually get super lucky and beat it on easy, but we'll see.
The game is 69% skill and 31% pure dumb luck if you ask me, which is too high a dumb luck percentage in a so called "puzzle game" but i'll still play it once in a while. I have to admit I find it fairly satisfying smashing stuff, and they rate you at the end of each stage which makes absolutely no sense whatsoever, because they don't ever explain the rating what the hell does "E" or "SS" rating even mean. Not a great game but not terrible either, I'd rather play tetris.