A short but surprisingly good game!

User Rating: 8.5 | Trauma Center: Second Opinion WII
At first glance at this game I was like this game blows who the heck wants to do a bunch of surgeries in a game? Feels more like a chore then a game? So several months after its release I got a wii in Febuary and kept glancing at this game debating and final decided to get it. I am glad I did, but I will warn you the game is preety short so if your just in to playing games then rent this first off. If your a collector like me, then its a nice addition to your games. First off this game starts you off as Dr.Styles a doctor who works at Hope Hostiple. He has a special gift called the healing touch and theres a nice story that goes along with this game. During the course of the game your preform surgeries. Each one is a bit different, some are the same but theres alot so don't worry to much. You use your nunchuck to select your equipment such as scaple blade or fluids and such. The games graphics arn't the best but honestly I think its nicely done as if it went into huge depth in graphics alot of people would be grossed out at looking at a human heart and such. So the graphics fit nicely showing bleeding and scars and such. If you playing the DS version of this game, most of the missions will seem familar but they added extra material into this game if you have and the wii mote is a whole new experience. The controls work very nicely in this game, probly the best I have played on my wii thus far. The music and sound is preety basic in this game, having most of the levels with the same background music which is kinda bland and boring but your so focused on the surgery its not a huge issue. All the cuts and voices sound farly nice overall. This game is very addicting and makes you want to play it and its the first game on my wii thus far that made me not want to stop and keep playing. The game offers 3 modes easy,normal and hard mode. Each with there own ranks. The game offers 6 chapters and can be quiet challanging depending on the mode you choose. The only downsize to this game is the time. It will take you 8-10 hours probly to finish this game maybe a bit more if your having trouble. So its hard to say is $60 or whatever the price is where you live worth it? Well thats hard to say. If your a guy strapped for cash well I would say rent it. Not because its a bad game, but the fact you could get everything out of this game in about a week. Its a very enjoyable game and I recommand it completly to all gamers!