An brilliant game and very enjoyable.

User Rating: 9 | Trauma Center: Under the Knife 2 DS
This is the first Trauma center game i bought. i never bothered with the first game for some reason? But after playing this game i was amazed at how original and brilliant it is. Graphically it is great, the bodys the tumors, the blood all are very well done. Gameplay is even better, there is a wide choice of medical supplies that you will need and all work perfectly on the DS. The story of TC2 is very immersive, you start off in Africa where a war is going on and you have to treat various patients, all of which have different illnesses and then move back to USA where there are post GUILT patients. The story is well put together and i enjoyed it. I would recommend that if you own a DS you should buy this game as it is very enjoyable and easy to play. I will have to go and buy the first one and the Wii games after playing this game. Overall i give this game a 9.2