When i heard about the game i said to myself this is going to be stupid. A game that your a doctor healing people just didnt hit me good i thought it was going to be horrible, Then At christmas my mom bought it for me and i was like well since she bought it im going to olay it theres no use in her wasting money. When i played it my perspective changed so fast. For 2 days straight i couldnt put it down. I was playing and playing. The game has a story. The story is actually alright, YOur a doctor and in the beggining you treat wounds like taking glass out of patients arms. you cure anuerisms you help people with different problems. Then the proble gets worst when you find a virus called GUILT. I am not going to say what GUILT stands for cause its a long word. I am not spoiling anything more i you want to know more play the game.
The Graphics are good but the game is hard . WHen you start healing tough viruses you will get stuck for an hour or so. This game is good and i higly recommend it.
Doogie Howser, M.D. was a television show about the life of a teenage progidy who became a licensed doctor. It was a show that made it seem very cool to be a doctor, however, it never truly showed the intensity that suc... Read Full Review
It’s time to put on those doctors gloves and rejoice because the first wave of quirky DS games is finally hitting U.S soil. Trauma Center puts you in the shoes of an anime spiky haired hero Derek Stiles, a young s... Read Full Review