Take frustrating gameplay, add bad graphics, and hours of boring puzzles and what do you get? Trespasser.

User Rating: 2.3 | Trespasser (1998) PC
OK, first and foremost, this game sucks. Now, onto the review. Graphics: Just plain bad. The textures are horrible. There is absolutely nothing really good about the graphics. Gameplay: This is the best (And worst) aspect of the game. When you first start the game, the physics related puzzles seem like fun. They aren't TOO fristrating at first, and you kind of enjoy the game. It all seems well and good until about 10-20 minutes into the game you reach a puzzle that starts the insanely frustrating series of puzzles that span the rest of the game. And, as if the next hundred puzzles weren't enough, they throw in a lot of raptors for you to fight. I don't understand what the other two reviewers are talking about. When I played, it seemed like there was at least two raptors for every one puzzle. Later on you'll meet more difficult, more dangerous dinosaurs like the T-Rex, though those are very few and very far between (Ussually). So while you're running through the jungle, killing raptors and trying to make the faulty physics system work so you can just finish this moster of a game, you learn that what seemed a fun game in the beginning is truly a sickening "game" (Though I would hardly call this a game. It feels more like having a knife shoved in your eye). The only "fun" part is the shooting aspect. It can be fun to fight a bunch of extremely stupid raptors... For a while. Then it just gets tedious. Sound: Terrible. There is absolutely NO excitment in ANYONE'S voice. Ever. The guns sound generic. Nothing good here. If you value your time and sanity, don't play this game.