Trials Evolution Review
Gold/Platinum medals are a challenge but well obtainable,
I'm no pro at this games but am loving every second of it.
Just the right amount of tacks to keep you entertained plus thousands of mini games and custom tracks to download. Some are excellent, I believe many could gets hours of enjoyment out the mini games alone.
Creating you own tracks is good fun too, there are a large amount of things to mess around with and you could make some very tough tracks to master.
Creating has a simple mode and an advanced mode, so even the newest of Trials gamers can have fun with creating.
Trials is also 4 player this time which makes for some fun races, and if anyone is set as your rival then it gives you even more reason to try harder and harder.
This is well worth 1200 MSP but if you're unsure then make sure you try the demo because it really is a title you just HAVE to play.