March 2018 Xbox One And 360 Free Games With Gold Announced
Xbox One gets Trials of the Blood Dragon and Superhot, while 360 gets Brave: The Video Game and Quantum Conundrum.
Xbox One gets Trials of the Blood Dragon and Superhot, while 360 gets Brave: The Video Game and Quantum Conundrum.
Here's a roundup of the week's best Xbox Live offers.
You can get a free copy of Trials of the Blood Dragon if you're good enough at it.
Journey through a colorful story with warzones in Vietnam, settling scores in Miami, confronting TV heroes in Tokyo and the odd detour into Space. Hell, you’re gonna go to Hell ...
Watch extended gameplay footage from Trials of the Blood Dragon featuring the Giant Bomb crew.
Trials of the Blood Dragon is an explosive single player experience with a wicked combination of renowned, competitive, physics-based Trials gameplay and unique, neon-drenched Blood Dragon attitude.
Lucy, Justin, Peter, and Alexa give their thoughts on some of their favorite new games that have been announced so far at E3 2016.
Check out 7 minutes of Trials of the Blood Dragon after Ubisoft's release announcement at E3 2016. Sweet boom box tracks and collector's cards!
RedLynx's new platforming game is available on the Uplay store.
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