Ann odd yet interesting game.
Trickster is one of the few random Korean (thats where I'm guessing its from) MMOs thats actualy worth its time. Its one of the many F2P aka Free to Play MMOs out their that has hit our shoes in the last few years. You can play the game 100% for free but the catch is that the company (Ntreev) sells special iteams that make the game much easier. Iteams that bost experiance or repair equipment, heck even special iteams that go in your house/camp.
Yes thats right, its realy one of the first Korean F2P MMOs that supports player housing. Now in all reality it dosn't have much depth, but just having the option to decorate and claim a bit of the game world adds depth to a game. You can set up your tent/house anywhere in a city or hub as well as set it to Private or Public so that friends or random passerbyers can enter and see what you've done. From the start they give you some basic furniture and this is where they get you, if you realy wana go wild with decorating your gona have to slap down some money on points to buy those rare and interesting iteams.
The graphics may be from ten or more years ago but thats not realy a bad thing, and infact it works in Tricksters favor. I've played to many "3D" games that looked horrid, so its humbling to see a company that realises they can do more with 2D than 3D and thats just what they did. The world, towns mainly look very nice, with high ammounts of detail... infact it almost reminds me of a anime style Baulders Gate with the ammount of detail they cram into the world. The downside to this is that some of the hunting areas get a bit repetative.
As with any good MMO the world is constantly being added onto, and currently the game has a healthy community, you won't go many places without running into people and their usualy are enough mobs (monsters) to quench everyones EXP thirst. To continue with the hunting/exp grind they added quests that help you bost your money as well as exp so grinding often feels less like grinding if you do the missions.
All in all if your sick of your high end, mainstream MMOs and you just need a break but you don't have or want to spend any money, than give Trickster a shot. With 2D graphics the game can run on any self respecting PC, if not you should consider the day and age you live in :D. All in all Trickster dosn't bring a huge ammount of new content to the gaming univers but as free games go it won't let you down.