This is.... undoubtably, the worst game I have ever played.
User Rating: 1.2 | Trigger Man PS2
Please, for your own sake, DON'T PLAY THIS GAME. FOR YOUR OWN SAKE AND YOUR WALLETS. (and to be fair to the ladies, the purse) Really, I hate this game. I would rather drip boiling hot candle wax on my testicles than play this game!! GAHHH this game is BAAD. The sound SUX, the graphics are bland and chunky, OVERALL, I really must go up to my room and burn that game. But please, don;t be fooled by this review, I writemy revies well (for games I dont hate) so really, DON'T BE HATIN. really tho, if only you had a choice called "Deservers to Burn" in the game classification thingy.