biggest old school platformer of the year.
altus is one of those company who still making great old school titles, persolna seris and now trine.
its about 3 class of the game, they find each other in begining of the game and desided to reach their same goal together with each others help.
its like old school 2D games.
game have 3 class: 1- archer/ 2-magic/ 3-streng and you can switch between them in any time of the game.
game have some upgrads too for example: archer can shote three at once or magices of the character getting stronger and so many othe stuffs.
game have some great puzzles and you have to mix up all three class of the game to solv them.
control of the game is great on pc and you will not have any prob, so smooth.
i like trine graphices more that LBP, its like a classic paint job and somtimes you just stop in a mission to watch the background of trine game, i can tell all of it in one word: awsom.
its nice, when story will tell by a man who looks like reading the trine book and all the enemys have differend voice and its a good sound system at all.
last word:
if you like/love platformer ... dont pass this one.