Trioncube (DS,) A decent game that can last you many fun hours
Anywho, Trioncube is one of those games that is kinda cute and quirky to start out and it catches your attention after a while. In the end however it can be either very tedious and boring to someone, or a fairly entertaining adventure that can last quite a while (personally i found myself playing for a few hours at a time)
As you probably already know its not exactly your normal tetris, lumines type puzzler. You use 3x3 cube chains created by the 5 different shapes given to you in the game to fuel your spaceship to the end of the goal. Once a cube chain is started, you must keep using the peices to set up more and more 3x3 cube chains one after the other. If you do not continue the chain when a peice is layed down, everything used in the chains so far turns into coins (bronze silver gold or diamond, based on how large the chains were). these coins can be used to buy the games many unlockables including 10 different backround layouts for the game and 50 different sounds to be made during your chains. After you unlock and purchase these different sounds and layouts , they can be used whenever you play by choosing your preferences before you begin each level.
The way you unlock (not purchase) these items is by clearing distance in your spaceship in each puzzle.
You can do this by playing any of the games modes (Arcade(a short 8 lvl game where you must save the princess ,Story Mode( i believe around 45 different missions where you follow the story line of the game, and of course ENDLESS MODE, which you play until you lose, but trust me...its very tough getting to lvl 99 :-/ but very rewarding cash wise)
getting straight to the point though without giving too much away Its just one of those games that will either dissapoint or just feel pleasant...
Im personally glad it came out, its a different spin on the puzzle generation easy as it may be... but its still charming and an engaging experience to be had on the nintendo ds F3ar my awsome grammar..... END