Triple Play 2001 is a terrific, highly addictive baseball sim.

User Rating: 10 | Triple Play 2001 PC
Triple Play 2001... One of the best baseball games ever (in my opinion). This was one of the first games I ever played a lot, and it had great lasting appeal. The unlockables were great and innovative, including legendary players and fun game modes. The game modes in the game are great, with interesting and fun games such as home run derby and quick game. You can play in an array of stadiums including a construction yard, the moon and even a living room. This game was so amazing to me as a child, I loved it and played it so much. Still, once in a while, I will go back to that game, and it never gets old. I can't say enough good stuff about Triple Play 2001, it's the best in the series. The value at this point, five years later, is terrific, but the game itself may no longer impress you as technology and gaming has improved.