All Over Good

User Rating: 10 | Tron 2.0: Killer App GBA
All around it' s a fun game requiring you to explore to get all the chips so you can bew unbeatable. Once you have the cheat chips this game is almost easy enough for a baby to beat because the only thing that can kill you is the dark red liquid, but up until then you are stuck playing it the hard way which at times can be very stressing and others almost fluid like. It is probably easiest to play as Tron for a couple of times to get all the chips and then merge to play with Mercury. Like I said before it is fine to play until you get all the cheat chip then it becomes to easy. Yeah I know y'all are probably saying you don't have to use them (cheat chips) but at some points it is mandortory that you have them. For me Defragmention is next to impossible so I just by-bass the Defrag all together.