It's just a polished version of Tropico 3
Absolute Power
#1.New Scenarios
#2.New Edits
#3.New Buildings
#4.New Radio Announcer
#5.New Clothing for El Presidente
#1.It is the exact same game only very slightly improved
The Bottom Line -
If you already own Tropico 3 then I would pass on this.If you must buy it then I suggest you buy the bundle of expansions together if they come out with another.If you can't wait that long then wait lol for a steam deal.I paid $6.79 for this but it is really worth only $5 or less.Do not pay more then $5 for this or you will regret it
If you don't own Tropico 3 then I would suggest you buy both Tropico 3 and Absolute Power together.Absolute Power is slightly better and you will enjoy it more as the whole game is new to you
I know this might sound like I'm bashing Absolute Power but I'm really not.It is an expansion and not Tropico 4.I didn't expect them to reinvent the wheel but I wanted more then they gave
I use maybe 2 edits so making new ones doesn't really matter much to me.One of the new edits kills the radio man so that was funny.The new radio woman is against you so that makes it different but she doesn't really add to the game
As I said already,It is the exact same game only very slightly improved.I would say it is a 5% improvement over Tropico 3 and the question is, What is that worth to you?
My 2 cents