Fun and addicting for anyone.

User Rating: 9.5 | Tropico 3 PC
This game is fun and addicting for anyone who enjoys city sim games. They only downside is the tutorial doesn't help much. Other than that, great game. I have never played the Tropico games before, so i was not sure how the controls actually worked. I can tell you that this games controls run smooth, the only bad thing is im not sure how to do some of the most crucial political and military actions, but im sure they will come with time playing. God mode is fun for anyone wanting to figure out the ropes, after that, i recommend playing the game on its normal setting, or else you may get very bored of the same thing. Once you master God mode, the game really comes into its own. It has great political and economic settings, but like i said before, it may take sometime for you to master those settings.