Fun and Unique Sim game and they are Finally making a Tropico 3!

User Rating: 8.5 | Tropico PC
Tropico has given me many hours of fun gameplay over the years. It is nothing new in terms of this type of game play but you have to love the whole controlling your own island as a dictator since it has never been done before this that i know of. If you like games like Sim City then you may want to give it a try. Tropico is good game to pass a few hours of time from now and then and try a hand at being a good ruler or a bad one. I did not like the Tropico 2 pirate theme as much as the first but it was still fun. The guy who created Pop Top games apparently sold it so my hopes for a Tropico 3 were bashed for a long time until i found some news and Screen shots of a new company that is making Tropico 3 . Hopefully it will be as fun as the first game was.