Not Brilliant, More of an average GTA type game.
The game starts in a snowy closed in part of New York in winter. You play as a beaten up ganster who has gone to get his revenge. Once completing the first mission, it then takes you several years forward to when your player has become a Cop. The game then gives you a couple of good missions, but after that, things get very boring and the game slowly worsens. Like ive already said i thought this game was amazing on the first couple of missions but after that i realised how dull the game actually was. To be honest ive never actually finished this game, i payed 12.99 at my local UK second hand games store, and i regret doing so because i stopped after the second set of missions because the game got so bad. Ive heard Streets Of LA is better, but i dont have that game so i wouldnt know for sure, but from the images i have seen and videos, it looks and seems a lot better in my opinion.
Theres really not much more i can say for this game, all i can end this small review with is that i dont reccomend this game to anyone unless you can get it for cheaper than around 7 Pounds/Dollars. If you are used to playing GTA games like me, then it can seem even worse due to the bad controls and gigantic amount of difference in gameplay.
Not Reccomended.