True Crime had the potential to be so much more, but for what you're getting it's still a lot of fun.

User Rating: 7.8 | True Crime: New York City PS2
With so many games getting hyped and commercialized, True Crime has stayed relatively underground as far as being a competitor with GTA. This game has a lot of content in it, no doubt, the only thing stopping it from becoming something much bigger is the number of glitches in the game. The calls you receive while in-game are sometimes annoying and the level of detail is fair but not amazing. The landscape you're able to roam freely is refreshing compared to Vice City, and it doesn't restrict you with that many barriers. The weapons are fun but the lock-on system doesn't quite keep up with the bullets. The game is very easy to complete in a decent timeframe and you'll most likely have fun doing side missions and earning cash as I did. The cop rating doesn't accurately depict your ability or level of respect, but it does work to keep you in line and stop you from going crazily overboard killing civilians (which happens by mistake a lot of the time). However, for $20 this game has all that you would want for a long weekend, so steer clear of the criticism and check it out for yourself.