True Crime: New York City's potential is wasted on such lousy execution.
Actually, there are a few cool things about this sequel. For one, the story is easier to make out, and plays out like a decent Hollywood movie. The story is supported with good voice acting and cool a cool twist. Also, the city has more interesting detail than the last game, and the game controls quite well during gunfights. The game's soundtrack is also good. Apart from that, not much is worth mentioning.
Unfortunately, that's all you can really say positive about this title. One thing that stands out is that the game obviously didn't go through adequate beta testing. You'll feel like you're playing a unfinished copy of this game from how sloppy this game can get. This ranges from the erratic frame rate - to simply not being able to enter buildings. You can also break mission scripts or watch certain textures turn black during the predetermined cut-scenes. Also, be sure to save often - this game seems to crash randomly quite often.
Playing the linear storyline becomes a pain as you work around the bugs and glitches you may encounter. The missions aren't too bad except there aren't many differences from most of them, but the ones that involve gunplay are the most enjoyable, with decent mechanics and the variety of weapons. The hand-to-hand combat fairs less because it's unrealistic and repetitive, as it seems you're fighting the same guys over and over again whom can block heavy attacks from sledgehammers with their fist . At least the different fighting styles somewhat make the fights bearable. The driving is definitely the worse feature of the game, with terrible physics and awful collision. It just falls apart when you send cars flying whilst spinning incredibly fast, or when you can drive through another car if you drive fast enough against it.
You could also engage the side missions. They're good in concept and some are quite decent, but good luck enjoying them with the inconveniences of all the technical problems of this game.
Overall, this game had the potential to be good, but it seems that the game was released at least 6 months before it was finished.