HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA!!!!!! this game sucks so much its hilarious!!!!!

User Rating: 3.4 | True Crime: New York City PS2
Wow.... I'm not even going to make a serious review... people are giving this game a 9.0 up!? Wow, you people are on something. If you have read any of my past reviews, you know I take my reviews seriously, but for this game, I'm not only laughing at how bad the game is, but also how bad people review it... An example? Here I go... GTAMaster2005 (somewhere below this review) gave the game a 9.8!!!! HAHAHAHAAAA!!!! He also states, "It's not as good as San Andreas.. but it is very close in my opioin.. " (spell right, dude!)... well GTAMaster2005, Grand Theft Auto San Andreas only got a 9.6... but your saying True Crimes is not as good and you give it a higher rating? wow...
Okay, now I will try to review this game. I've heard rumors that this games simply sucks @$$, so I decided to rent the game to see what the heck was so funny about the "badness" of this game... Now I warn you: STAY AWAY FROM THIS GAME! It is not fun AT ALL. If you want, you can get the first true crimes because that was better. Or, you can get GTA. Hell, even get Driv3r! Even THATS better than this game! The framerate can suck my @$$ and the story could have been written by me!!! These guys are pro! Come on!!! And all the weapons in the game do the same damage! If you fire a pistol, it causes almost the same damage as a shotgun shot! And don't get me started about driving... good thing you can walk in the game (all though I've managed to "fall" through the sidewalk many times into a gray space, and I'd have to restart my PS2); the driving is simply too "sticky"... If you turn left on your analog stick on your ps2 controller, you will turn too much and crash.
Now for the characters and voicing. In the short time I've played the game, I've only seen about, what.... 7 character designs? I've seen a group of 3 people walk by, all looking the same... not just once or twice... heck not just 10 times... all the time!!!!!! The voices of the characters are fine, except it is like watching a japanese movie converted to english!! The words do not even match the movement of the mouth...
I will not go any further to talk about the gameplay... It's just that bad! In conclusion, this is in no way a GTA killer... It may actually promote it! This game says, "Look at me! I am soooo bad! Get GTA instead unless you want to get scarred for life!" Once again, I tell you: stay away from this game, at least 35 feet of it... hell, get a restraining order from the game ^_^... its so unvelievably bad... heh. It makes me laugh.