i playing this game only to realize it was gta3's knockoff,,just with a much more different spinn;))

User Rating: 8 | True Crime: Streets of LA XBOX
u play as nick kang,,

a smart detecttive hong kong style ,,he works for ( spoiler alert),,

u go on many missions many good many not so great,,litterary,,

cutscenes and facial experessions animiations is just right nothing specatclar,,not too impressive,but they are good and fun;)

there are many cool vehices t odrive,,,it ca nbe fun running over the ppl on the streets with the crazy stearing cars,,many coold weapons to play with,,seems like the best part,,

awesome and clever story;) and desent enough;)

explore the big city areeas etc;) ,,u can almost do anything at random,,when playing not mission style,,some missions are hard,,mostly all are,,

u can do alot of nice damage and explosions is nice;) cars dont take too much damage if collideing,,

u can call this game some sort of gta spinn off,,but the reality is this game has more t othe formula and somewhat diff ingredient than gta,,for example,,u can hand cuff ppl,,this is just many of aspects gta 3 do not have;)

there are many cool bonuses and thigns ucan earn well done,,there is eaven training,,though it somewaht sucks,,

it takes very much time driving from a mision to another;) seems like ages;) if this is a good or bad thing i'm not sure,,almost take as much time as i nreal life t odrive from A - B ,,pretty cool and somewhat silly;p ;)),,

Options are nice -

--camera is not the best,,but works,,good enough;(

its cool hearing acents,,seeing asians,,watching doesnt awesome cutscenes,;))

music owrks well enough but nothing spectacular,,

E-njoy ,,i di-id ;)),,

game has alos some techical issues,,but this is one great game nevertheless;)

happy easter or something,,Bunny haha;))