making an almost direct conne ction to the GTA series, true crime has a a storyline that does not tie alltogether with the story. although driving and shooting around is not almost GTA like but almost fun. the missions are almost so predictable and boring you migth as well just ride around LA for the entire game. the action conencts to GTA the gamplay is decent and the storyline does not connect form chapter to chapter, makign it a confusing game and not worth the money, but putting in different choices into the storyline does add a slight intrigue to actually continue in the campaign my decision: rent
Other Helpful Reviews for True Crime: Streets of LA
I got this game in May of 2009, and didn't play it until October of 2009. When I first started playing I loved it. I ended up beating ever single (even the optional missions), and once I beat it I didn't really put it in... Read Full Review
Woop Dee Frickin' Doo, so being a bad a|ss drug dealer, psycho insane killer was too boring for Activision so they thought: "Hey, how about we make the glitchiest game ever and make the main character a cop and ever... Read Full Review