I mean it was a decent game, but not work ranting about to friends!

User Rating: 5.5 | True Crime: Streets of LA PS2
Overall the game play was O.K. The Appearance and sound track were below average, just an overall mediocre game, just maybe a little better.


Storyline wasn't straight forward, what i mean is it stems off and you can beat the game several ways (don't want to ruin too much of how or why this happens though) that was really the best part of the game was your ability of choice,ability to arrest people for petty crimes or other crimes was a fun thing to do... at first.


In my opinion not to awfully great of a soundtrack out of ALL the songs on there i had probably 5% of them turned on. the overall gameplay wasn't necessarily BAD but nothing ever really jumped out at you and made you wanna scream HOLY CRAP. The side missions for arresting petty punks ect. was good at first and you had the ability to be a good cop or bad cop, i don't want to say anymore cause it might be a spoiler, but after a while this got old and annoying.Over-all the game just has no real originalitly in the way of actual gameplay. shooting and fighting was all boring after a while and in some cases felt like a chore.

I can't even tell you to get this game or not, some of you might like it (DIE HARD GTA FANS) most won't find it too extraordinary.