simplicity is the key
The player is always forced to think about the most efficient way to handle the twists and turns the tube-like race track takes. Unlike most racers where careening into the side of the track will cause a crash, the vehicles in Tube Slider defy gravity and slide up the side. This really adds to the fast-paced feel of the game as one very rarely wipes out. However, though it is possible to race along the sides or even top of the tube, the vehicles still go much faster at the bottom. This forces the player to constantly be calculating the quickest ways to get through a track.
By pressing either the B or the Y button, the gamer can boost using what the game calls “sub verniers”. At the start of each race one can decide rather to use a Booster or Turbo sub vernier gauge. In the former, one earns the ability to use a limited boost every time the turbo gauge fills up. The Turbo is much more interesting, as the meter itself measures how long you can boost. The longer you let it fill, the longer you are able to hold down the boosting button. In either mode, one must constantly be considering the most strategically appropriate times to shoot off into the distance.
The turbo gauge’s energy recharges by itself as you race, but there are ways to refill it even faster. Power-ups are scattered throughout the tracks, some giving an instant burst of turbo and some simply adding to the meter. You may also attempt to steal energy from an opponent in two ways. If you trail another car closely enough, you will automatically lock onto it. If you can stay close to him for long enough, some of his sub vernier energy will be transferred to your racer. Meanwhile, if you boost while another car is locking onto your vehicle, you may reverse the steal. ND Cube makes this process much simpler than it sounds through an easy to manage system.
I believe that the developer could have gone even further and included more methods of hindering opponents. Whether it is adding weapons or simply some incentive to ram your vehicle into another, the developer could have added so much more to an already deep gameplay system.