No game is below this one. This game truly breaks the Law of Relativity.

User Rating: 1 | Tunnel Rats PC
Ok, in order to develop a taste for games, I play a lot of FPS games even very low scored games. and ye mon, I found Tunnel Rats...
Everyone knows who Uwe Boll is? German movie directorr!
He is notorious not for making games into movies, but for just being really bad at making movies. Well, this time he turned his movie into game.
and the game was disastrous just like his movies.

Tunnel RATz!

In Tunnel there are many ratz and they run toward the player for some funky reason I guess. Those rats do not live up to game's title because Rats look so unnatural. Even Mirror's Edge, which does not even have rats in the name, has some better and kewler quality rats, not quantity though. Ok, the player goes insane and repeatedly shows anger at vietcongs. well it is understandable and I know its the concept of the game but still, way too annoying. Graphics and performance? the game looks so freakin so outdated but that does not mean game runs smooth on system. It is not optimized at all. Plain horrible. There are too many things to diss about this game so I'd like to skip.

I want to suggest other games instead. There is a game called You Are Empty (YAE), which was scored very low as well. However, I can insist that YAE is much better game. If you people have had guts to play Tunnel Rats for couple of hours, I recommend you try YAE and you will find that game really awesome (indeedly awesome, actual 'story' of the game is subtly 'cynical' and 'profound' yet the case of really bad execution).
IF you want something similar setting of Tunnel Rats but with zombies, There is a better game called Shellshock 2.

Bottom line is that,
No game is below Tunnel Ratzen.
This game truly breaks the Law of Relativity.
This game is absolute.
Absolutely one of the worst games in FPS gaming history.
or even might get forgotten from history.

I can't believe I even managed to see the ennding of the game.