The game has a poor start to the story line instead of getting to know the character a little first and going to work and there on the job the attack begins,it just starts with planes bombing .The AI is very poor,enemies face the wrong way and stand in the open and so on. Try shooting the enemies through crates or Anything ,its not going to happen . The game has fairly slow action and has poor sound, people will be talking to each other with no vocals! The multiplayer only has a few maps and the controls are very clunky , the shooting system stinks, no matter where you hit a enemy it takes a while to get him down unloading full clips or more! The game had a very unique twist on the nazi war thing and I like the teen rating very much we need more teen rated games but it falls short of todays standards.This game may have been considered good back in the PS1 days when 3D gaming was new but for now a days I give it a 3.0 out of 10. Another game to trade in for store credit! Spend Your money on COD4, or save it for R6Vegas2 or Army of Two! FPS (first person shooter) FPS (failing poor shooter)
Other Helpful Reviews for Turning Point: Fall of Liberty
Was hardly expecting a masterpiece from Turning Point, but after playing this to completion, I can honestly say its one of the worst games Ive played, and without doubt the shoddiest FPS of this generation. The most ... Read Full Review
Well, Turning Point: Fall of Liberty is, in all accounts, a really, really bad game. First the visuals. They are all right, but there is definitely better. Everything just looks like it belongs on the PS2, not the PS3. I... Read Full Review