Takes you back. 10 years back.
The Game has some cool moments but the overall feel is that it was made 10 years ago. And plays like something from 10 years ago. To climb a ladder, you have to wait for an icon to pop up. Sometimes you have to find blinking pipes to grab ahold of and slowly shimmy to another area but sometimes you can't get the character to do it. So back up get the pipe to blink again and try it a second or third time until he jumps up to it. That can be annoying.
The AI is goofy. Sometimes they run right at you and try to melee. Others, they stand in the open, fire off a couple shots and then turn around and stand still. But most of your targets are on the roof tops and that makes it feel like a 1980s arcade game.
The game has a mixed bag of graphics. Some areas and npcs look dull but another area may look outstanding and the character models look steller. The barrels of the weapons look like small pencils instead of rifle barrels. The one gun that looks like it should is the combat shotgun and don't let me forget about the .45 cal lever action hunting rifle-that is perhaps the coolest weapon in the game because of the cocking animation and the best looking sight when you aim in. The sights on the combat rifles look odd when aiming in.
Some of the best moments of the game are the close quarters battles that allow you to do the animated melee attacks. When the melee icon pops up, hit the action button and then press up on the D-pad to watch a random melee kill animation. Or you can press down on the D-pad after hitting the action button to take the Nazi's pistol and use him as a human shield. There is not a standard melee assigned to any controller button like you would find in most FPS. You have to wait until the melee icon pops up in order to melee.
turning point is a simple game. you can't search fallen soldiers, open boxes, etc. Each mission is pretty much going from point A to point B but a few stand out with great action thrills. The AI can be goofy at times but other times they work fine.
As simple as turning point is, I wonder why there are "now loading" areas. Sprint into an ally and "now loading" flashes on the screen and you freeze. The game could have used some more work but it is enjoyable. The story, if you pay attention, is funny and interesting. Game play and graphics go from dull to great and then back to dull. The game is enjoyable but FPS fans have seen better.