The developers tried, but sadly failed.
User Rating: 1 | Turning Point: Fall of Liberty PS3
Well, Turning Point: Fall of Liberty is, in all accounts, a really, really bad game. First the visuals. They are all right, but there is definitely better. Everything just looks like it belongs on the PS2, not the PS3. If you compare this game with something like Assassins Creed, you'll be going "What's wrong with the graphics?" The controls are also alright, but not really good. Everything just feels stiff and clunky, and makes it feel like you have to force everything you do, unlike other games that are nice and fluent. The plot is interesting, but it just goes to show that you have to have good gameplay if you want to have a good game, and that the plot isn't everything. There's another thing: the plot. I understand that the Nazi's invade the U.S., but how? Didn't we beat them in WW2? Oh, yeah, something about Winston Churchill dying, or something. So, your'e a construction worker, the Nazi's attack, you fight through waves of them, you meet up with freedom fighters, you fight waves of Nazi's, you destroy their tanks, you fight waves of Nazi's, you go to a train station, you fight waves of Nazi's!!! Dang, it just get's too repetitive! Actually, the plot could have just been you fighting waves of Nazi's, and that probably would have been better. And the Freedom Fighters: how did they get all those Garands and Tommy guns? Were people collecting them or what? Nothing makes any sense. Well, that's it. Some people actually like this mistake, but for the rest of us, rent it first. Actually, don't even rent it. You can get better for your money. Sorry, Spark Unlimited, but your game get's an Epic Fail.