Excellent example of a wasted potential.
The Third Reich successfully acomplishes Operation Sealion and beats the crap out of USSR. Sure, Hitler was a drug addict, suffered from syphilis and was an irretrievable racist [I got proof for all of that], but he conquered the entire Europe. Then Nazi machine turns it`s all-seeing eye on the unsuspecting United States of America. In 1953 a massive invasion strikes on the entire Atlantic coast. As the army is absolutely helpless, construction workers, barbers and lawyers must grab Tommy guns and defend the Motherland.
My first WTF was already at the very first level - New York bombing. I think it was supposed to make me like oooh and ahhh, but... Jezz, after seeing the spectacular explosions on CryENGINE, the `massive attack` seems like from year 2005 or even earlier. However Nazi troop landing from zeppelins looked pretty good.
Second WTF. First enemy - a Nazi wanker staring nowhere. Here the game introduces us with something like CQC - I just have to press one button and your average American construction worker beats down an experienced soldier like a small baby left at shopping mall entrance. Also we can take Nazis as human shields, but I even didn`t get a chance. And I didn`t feel any necessity for that.
Third WTF. Firefights. They are OK and sometimes even entertaining but the poses Nazi soldiers fall... God, it`s impossible to tell how weird it looks. Not to mention the extreme retardation of enemy AI.
Fourth WTF. Minigames. Actually only one. To blow down tanks or doors we have to stick a dynamite to the surface and arrange three-colured wires with the same ammount of buttons. Stupid and unnecessary.
Fifth WTF. Ultimate consolness. No mouse support in menus, three kind of graphics options [low, medium, high] and mega dumb checkpoint system. CP`s are scattered at incredibly dumb places, what makes us to shoot down the same Nazis over and over again [but level design is passable].
Sixth WTF. Length. I completed 3/4 of the game in one evening. Period.
But why did I gave it 6.0? The White House mission. Definitely the best level of the game and the only one I can tell that developers really worked on.
Turning Point uses Unreal Engine 3 and it looks decent - except for the first scene. Blur effect is used professionally, landmarks look as they should [except the half-broken Crysler building]. But a lack of physics, stupid scripts and lousy animations kill all these pluses.
Music is impressive, you can`t deny that. Sound - medicore. Nothing too memorable tough. At least Spark Unlimited had cash enough to hire decent voice actors.
I admit - this review is very subjective [especially the rating], but I just felt like writing like this. A cab which allowed Germans to enslave half of the world? I expected more of such an excellent idea.