have the people who rated this game bad actually played it?
People were saying this game sucked long before it ever game out,all this game needs is a patch.
The good first.the game is actually fun to play and some of the guns are pretty cool,the climbing etc are fun too.
The GUI is nice and the game gets straight into the action,some people said they didnt like the opening but for me it was a perfect opening.
THE BAD,there is a lot of things wrong that a patch wont fix but nothing completely dismal.
The game(for good or bad)feels like a 2002 or 2003 game,the physics definately seem dated compared to what we've become used to.
I almost gave up on the game after half an hour because everything thats wrong with the game can be seen in the first half hour,i thought things were only going to
get worse but they actually got better.The game grows on you.
The first impression is the wrong impression,the enemy models seem relly low poly and the animation are woeful,it really seemed like these were ripped out of and old
game and painted up to look new,none of these seem evident in the later levels.
The only thing i can think of is the developers finished the starting levels last and rushed the game out to meet a deadline.
The games also pretty short.
My biggest gripe and pet hate is sometimes you have to flick a switch or turn a valve and to do so you must be the right distance away,at the right angle etc,i
really thought the days of having to put up with this were dead and buried,,on the plus side when you shoot a guy up on a high place usually his weapon will fall on
the right side of the fence,
Ammo is never an issue but something i've never seen before is a guy could be ten yards in front of you and you can be blasting away but you do no damage,its like
hes behind something even though hes in plain site.
Summery,there are a lot of bugs but most of them seem fixable,graphics and animation are ok except for the early levels,i havent checked it out yet but it looks like
there is a config file that will let you tweak the graphics.
,the games a blast,all in all i'd say if you like return to castle wolfenstein you will like this game,just swap the supernatural for an alternative history and
youve got turning point.
Good game,bit short,patched up could be at very least an 8.