I gave this game a chance despite negative reviews, boy do I feel sad and ripped off...

User Rating: 3.5 | Turning Point: Fall of Liberty PC
I thought to myself that this game might be alright, so i bought it for around 25AUD, The first thing i noticed was that it was too freaking loud, so i turned the master volume to 0.1, but then the fantastic music got sorta muted...

To start off, the story is very intriguing, in an alternate world, The allies lose world war 2 and the nazis begin invading Europe and the united states, as a worker, you join the resistance fighters to start a guerrilla war against them.

The best aspect of the game is the soundtrack, the composer had worked on the Call of Duty and Medal of Honour games and the brilliant soundtrack shows his skill, just the horrific gun sounds drown the musical score.

The most important aspect has to be the gameplay, and Turning Point does an alright job, you can grab enemies and use them as a human shield much like gears of war 2, and use their own weapons against their comrades. Mixed in between are bits of climbing on rails and ladders, with some bomb detonating minigames too. the gunplay is competent, it is pretty good to see enemies slump over when you shoot them and also feels pretty good when you hold one enemy as a shield, and kill like 4 of his friends before killing him. As i said before, the sounds and feel of the guns are very very bad, I found that turning the sound off actually made the guns feel better, but then the music will go off with it too. The environmental kills are probably the best thing about the game besides the music. Overall, the gameplay is competent if not unremarkable.

And finally, the graphics- Turning Point uses the Unreal 3 engine, and for the most part looks pretty dated, but some parts of the environment do look alright, especially the water which is beautiful. Now regardless if you have a middle range PC or a Top of the line rig, the frame rate will absolutely make you pull your hair out, it isn't a lot of fun when you are facing like 6 enemies and once and have the framerate betray you. During its release, it only supported a resolution up to 1024x768, but since i got it recently, it was able to fit into my 1680x1050 resolution screen quite nicely, even though the are are just 3 graphical settings.

The game is also buggy, because I was on the last level (high tolerance ftw :D)
and just about done when i died and respawned at the beginning of the damned level, so i just pulled the disc out of my CD drive, put it back in the box, uninstalled it and will leave it there collecting dust.

After games like MOH airborne and Call of Duty WAW, games like Turning point feel not only like a huge step back for first person shooters, but also a large step back for the industry as a whole. This was probably the biggest letdown I have ever had as a gamer, please avoid this game.