This is one of the first games I purchased for the N64. Too bad it didn't have any multiplayer.
the draw distance is kind of ridiculous by todays standard but it added a certain flare that went along with the games creepiness. The character animations were simple and pretty blocky but fit in with the time just fine. What I really enjoyed was watching the enemies fly when you blew them up. The rag doll animations were great! When you would kill an enemy you could keep shooting the body with explosives and watch it fly all over. It would leaving a bloody trail (or green blood if red makes you squirmish) that followed it through the air and a trail on the ground as well. In fact, I would probably play the game today for this very feature. Yes, it was over the top, it wasn't realistic, but it sure was fun to watch them fly and hear them scream.
The controls for Turok were really pretty simple to use and the response was pretty good too. Whether by design or not I liked how looking around with the joystick was quick, just like using a mouse.
Now like I said, this was a Single Player only game, so once you beat the only thing to do was go to a more difficult level. Aside from that there were some cheat codes you could enter to make heads large, unlimited ammo, all weapons, disco mode and slow mode (pretty much the same as disco mode without the flashing lights) and a few others. Once I had some fun with these though the game was pretty much over. The 2nd release of this game I believe included multi-player but by that time I had lost interest in my N64.
So I would recommend this game to anyone that has never played it since it was a ton of fun. But it is definitely missing replayability.